Monday, July 20, 2009

Coping With Panic Disorder.

The most common coping method leads to a topic we have already mentioned, agoraphobia, or avoiding situations, places and activities you fear may trigger an attack. There are many tactics used to cope with panic. Many help people get through a panic attack but most do nothing to prevent future attacks. Some can be outright dangerous.


Many people use distractions to help cope with panic attacks. Diagram 1 shows examples of common ways people distract themselves when they feel the possibility of a Panic episode.

These tricks often become habitual. For example, if you forget your reading material you may have to go home to get it. You may not go somewhere you had planned to go because you realize you don't have your distraction. These tactics are generally not helpful because they don't get at the root of the problem. They may actually perpetuate the problem, for example, you might be driving to visit some friends, everything is fine, but as you pull into their drive and see them waving, you realize you forgot your pill bottle, this realization triggers a panic episode and your visit becomes a very unpleasant experience.


Avoiding is not always agoraphobic. For example, Diagram 2 shows various things and activities which may be avoided.

These forms of avoidance may be connected to your panic attacks and should disappear when you successfully complete this program.

More Tactics and Superstitions

A list of what might be called "superstitious tactics" actually used by some people is presented in Diagran 3.

How Are You Coping With Panic Attacks?
Some of these items might also be used as distractions.

Drugs and Alcohol

This is probably the most dangerous coping tactic. If you carry drugs prescribed by your doctor and use them according to instructions, this is probably not a problem. Unfortunately, many turn to very dangerous alternatives such as alcohol. It has been demonstrated that as many as half of people with alcohol dependence began their habit as a coping method for panic and anxiety. The trouble with alcohol and other drugs is the results become less effective over time. More alcohol is needed for relief until eventually it is of no benefit at all, and, in fact, may even increase your anxiety and promote depression. If you are currently in this situation, we strongly recommend you seek professional help to overcome your dependence.

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