Thursday, May 21, 2009

Skin disease: My psoriasis ....and its treatment

It is now almost 10 months that I have psoriasis first ... a little ... I did not know what it was (I knew it was psoriasis there is not very long time indeed!) ... then on the palms of hands and soles of the feet, then on top of the foot ... and then I began to despair of finding a solution ... I tried to find natural solutions to overcome for now without success ... Each responded in its own way to treatment, but perhaps my experiences can serve to some and as I tried to find out more about this skin disease, perhaps the I collected information will interest you ... 

What? Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by the appearance of thick patches of skin red and dry at different parts of the body often associated with scales. I said that it is not contagious. 

This affects who? 2% of the world population suffers from psoriasis. It affects both men and women, but it is very rare in people with black skin. 

Why? The skin cells are renewed at a rate much too fast: in four days rather than 3 weeks as is normally the case. Given that their life is the same, they accumulate and form thick crusts (hyperkeratosis). Sometimes the inflammation settles and causes discomfort (redness, itching - some sources indicate that they are common to other rare - and / or pain). The first event stations occur in children in about 30% of cases with a maximum during the pubertal period (20% between 15 and 19 years). 

The disease progresses in spurts rather unpredictable and highly variable depending on the individual. The symptoms last three to four months (I'm much more!) Would disappear for months or even years (the period of remission) and then reappear in most cases. 

The different types of psoriasis 

Plaque psoriasis (or vulgar). Demarcated red plates, round or oval, covered with thick crusts of white skin that desquament. Generally located on the elbows, knees, scalp and buttocks. 

Psoriasis drops. Plates of the form of a tear, often present on the trunk, arms and legs. This form of psoriasis is caused by medications or other disease. 

Psoriasis invert. Plates that appear within the joints (armpits, the groin, near the genitals) and moist rather than dry and sometimes painful as exposed to friction. 

Erythrodermic psoriasis. Almost all the skin is red and inflamed, without specific plates. 

Pustular psoriasis. Plates covered with white pustules, especially on the hands and soles. 

Causes: The cause of psoriasis is unknown, although in a number of cases (30%), we can find common ground hereditary. 

According to conventional medicine, several factors may cause the appearance of plaques in patients. 
• Infectious diseases: infections of the throat streptococci seem to trigger psoriasis in drops, usually in children and young adults, HIV can wake up or trigger psoriasis. 
• Some substances can trigger or exacerbate symptoms: alcohol, tobacco, lithium, beta blockers (atenolol), anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen), anti-malarial (chloroquine) and ACE inhibitor (ramipril) 
• Psychological factors: Stress seems to trigger or wake psoriasis in some people. 
• Trauma skin: psoriasis can result in a skin lesion. It can appear on an operation scar, a scratch or buttons chickenpox. Sunburns can also wake up psoriasis. 
• Prolonged exposure to sunlight or chemicals such as disinfectants or paint thinners. 

The impact 
People psoriatic often communication difficulties, especially when their injuries are described in terms of others: this is particularly true for psoriasis of the face, scalp and hands. 
Nearly 7% of those affected, the psoriasis is accompanied by joint pain with swelling and stiffness, which is called psoriatic arthritis. 

Care "Psoriasis can not be cured ..." The sentence I have read so many times, everywhere ... it's heartache every time, even if I have understood from the beginning ... We can never be certain the rash does not return (but should they disappear!). The disease is not serious (in most cases) but its evolution is driven by very long and frustrating. In view of its unsightly appearance and its chronicity, the disease often led to feelings of low self-esteem, emotional suffering and, over time, a depression. 

Conventional care
Even if the disease does not cure, there are medical treatments that relieve the intensity of the rash during episodes of psoriasis. 

Creams and ointments 
For a mild to moderate psoriasis, we usually prescribe topical ointments emollient properties, ie that help relax the tissues, to calm inflammation and soften skin. Doctors, for example, cortisone creams or retinoids (substances related to vitamin A). But cortisonĂ©e creams could induce a dependence on the substance and the symptoms reappear then stopping using the cream ... 

Treatments Phototherapy or photochemotherapy 
In cases where the psoriasis covers a large part of the body or when the rash is persistent, treatment phototherapy or photochemotherapy may be prescribed. Phototherapy involves exposing the patient to ultraviolet radiation from sunlight or apparatus irradiation (UVB rays usually). Photochemotherapy (PUVA) combines exposure to ultraviolet rays to a photosensitizing drug (which sensitizes the skin to the action of these rays). The short-term risks of PUVA are negligible, but long-term therapy to increase slightly the risk of skin cancer. Latest technology can offer exposure to UVB narrow-spectrum, which would be less dangerous. The UVB treatment may be combined with application of a photosensitizing such as tar preparations (I saw that this type of preparation was often advised and would be effective even without being coupled with exposure to UV ...). 

Systemic treatment 
For the most serious on prescribed medication administered orally or by intramuscular injection: either that reduce cell proliferation or decreasing the activity of the immune system. Each has its serious side effects (inflammation of the eyes and lips, hair loss, abortions, damage to the liver and kidneys). To reduce the risks, doctors typically medication in rotation without exceeding 24 months with the same drug. 

Soft methods 
None of the methods listed below are no consequences or risks ... and knowing my penchant to natural methods, you doubt that that's where I started looking! 

German chamomile (Matriarca recutita). Preparations chamomile are widely used in Europe to treat skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, dry skin or irritation. Flavonoids and essential oils contained in this plant have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. 


For skin application, use 5 drops of essential oil diluted in 20 ml of vegetable oil. For a bath, put 5 g of flowers (by infusion) or 0.8 g of liquid extract per liter of water. 

Cayenne (Capsicum frutescens). Capsaicin is the active ingredient of the spray. It would have the capacity to inhibit a neurotransmitter that activates inflammation and to inhibit the dilation of blood vessels also present in epidermal disease. Thus, creams based capsaicin have a comparable to the classically used emollient creams to reduce inflammation due to psoriasis. 
Apply to affected parts, up to four times a day, a cream, lotion or ointment containing 0.025% to 0.075% of capsaicin. It often takes two or three days of treatment before the therapeutic effect to be fully felt. 
NB There may be a burning sensation at the beginning of treatment, but it usually fades after several applications. 
Aloe (Aloe vera). The aloe gel is a clear mucilage extracted from the hearts of large sheets (not to be confused with latex, which is derived from the outer leaves). It has emollient properties and is often used in dermatology. 
Mahonia leaved holly (Mahonia aquifolium). The medicinal properties of roots and bark of this shrub to treat skin diseases have long been known. It now produces anti-inflammatory ointments based mahonia. According to findings in vitro, extracts mahonia may slow the rate of reproduction of cells and have anti-inflammatory properties that would be very useful in the fight against psoriasis. However, two clinical trials testing preparations bark mahonia on psoriatic patients failed to demonstrate therapeutic efficacy. 
Ointment or cream containing 10% extract mahonia applied three times daily on affected areas. 

Counseled about Aromalium: 

Essential oils 
Lovage *** 
Mint leaves or long sylvestre ** 
Nard ** 
Fragrant verbena ** 
Bergamot * 
Bourbon geranium rose * 
Niaouli * 
Savory * 
Thyme to linalol 

Vegetable oils 
Borage * 
Wheat Germ * 
Jojoba * 
Onager * 
Musk Rose Chile * 

Form No. 1 (D. Baudoux): 
- HE Rosmarinus officinalis CT Camphor (camphor to Romarin): 1 ml 
- HE Rosmarinus officinalis CT verbenone (Rosemary verbenone to): 1 ml 
- HE Cedrus atlantica (Atlas Cedar): 1 ml 
- HE Chamaemelum nobile (Roman Chamomile): 0.5 ml 
- HE Nardostachys jatamansi (Nard of the Himalayas): 1 ml 
- HV Rosa rubiginosa (Musk Rose): 10 ml 
- Eucerin pH5 complement to 100 g 
2 to 3 applications per day until clear improvement 

Formula No. 2 (D. Baudoux): 
- HE Mentha sylvestris (wild mint): 0.5 ml 
- HE Rosmarinus officinalis CT verbenone (Rosemary verbenone in): 0.5 ml 
- HE Juniperus oxycedrus (Cade): 0.5 ml 
- HE Salvia officinalis var officinalis (Salvia officinale): 0.5 ml 
- HE Nardostachys jatamansi (Nard of the Himalayas): 0.5 ml 
- HV Rosa rubiginosa (Musk Rose): additional 30 ml 
2 to 3 applications per day until clear improvement 

Form No. 3 - valid in children and adults - (D. Baudoux): solid (gel) 
- HE Nard jatamansi: 0.5 ml 
- HE Myrrh: 1 ml 
- HE Palmarosa: 1 ml 
- HE Roman Chamomile: 1 ml 
- HE Myrte to cineole: 1 ml 
- HE annual Tansy: 0.5 ml 
- HE Rosemary verbenone to: 0.5 ml 
- HV Calophylle inophyle: 3 ml 
- HV Argan: 3 ml 
Carbomer gel at 2% addition to 100 ml 
Adult dose: 1 topical application 3 times daily for 3 weeks or more. 

Vinegar. The vinegar is traditionally used to soothe the itching sometimes caused by psoriasis. 
Apply to the affected parts with a tampon. 

Fish oil. The omega-3 fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory, an effect in the treatment of psoriasis. 

Stress management. It is recognized that stress plays a role in the onset or exacerbation of psoriasis flare-ups and it is advisable to accompany treatment techniques to reduce stress. 

Homeopathy. Homeopathy has long been used to assist in the treatment of psoriasis, and in particular to facilitate the purification of the liver. Although currently, the scientific evidence of its effectiveness are virtually absent, some people derive the benefits of consultation and treatment offered. 

Naturopathy. According to the principles of naturopathy, nutrition plays an important role in the evolution of the disease. Each individual needs to explore various ways to identify foods that are not suitable to his condition. Among the ideas being discussed include the hypothesis that psoriasis is linked to land too acid. Although some factors such as fatigue, overwork and poor oxygenation help acidify the body, can improve its situation by choosing foods that promote a better acid-base balance. 
- Acidifying Foods to avoid: coffee, alcohol (wine and spirits), white sugar, white vinegar, excessive meat and dairy products, cooked tomatoes and spices strong. 
- Alkalinizing Foods to encourage: fruits, vegetables, almonds, whole grains, honey, cider vinegar, unpasteurized. 

Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Several preparations are used in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of psoriasis with a preparation containing herbs of Oldenlandia, peony, Sarge, from laminar to zedoaire of Rehmannia, rhubarb China, Smilax herbacea, Chinese angelica to wild multiflore of astragale to fish, saffron and gardenia. However, the National Psoriasis Foundation warns against the lack of quality control and standardization of products, the possibility of contamination and side effects (including liver complications). 

Spa treatments to alleviate both the skin and morale.
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